Government Palace

It is opposite the Main Square in the Historic Centre of the City.

Also called "House of Government" or the "House of Pizarro", precisely because this was initially the residence of the Conqueror Francisco Pizarro in 1535, the first Governor of the city. After the murder of the founder, the precinct was occupied by the firs Viceroy of Peru, Blasco Nuñes de Vela in 1541.

Years later, by resolution by President Augusto B leguía (1926), it was initiated the construction of a new Palace of Government. Later during President Oscar R Benavides, government, works were completed (1939)

Also as a curious fact, there is still alive a fig tree planted by the Conqueror himself.

There are twelve outstanding and elegant rooms. The Golden Living room: its bauty and significance inspired on Palce of Verailles in France correspond toits author and designer Jean Claude Sahut, that has rich pictorial collections. There are also the Grat Hall, Choquehuanca Room, Tupac Amaru Room, Great Dining Room, Sevillian Room, among others.

Nowadays, It is the official residence of the President of the Republic. Every day at 11:45 a.m. in the main esplanade, fronting the Main Plaza, is carried out the guard's change, (Húsares de Junín), ceremony that is recommended to attend.

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