18 U.S. Dollars
Lima three hours sightseeing

Lima Sightseeing includes a visit to the historical landmarks, monuments, squares, churches, elegant buildings and Handicrafts Gallery.


· Main Square, Lima
· The Municipal Palace
· Archiepiscopal Palace
· Government Palace
· Cathedral Basilica of the City
· San Martin Square
· Church and Convent of Santo Domingo
· Church and Convent of San Francisco
· The Post and Telegraph Office of Peru
· La Muralla Park
· The Peruvian Hand Craft Gallery

· Tourist transportation
· English-speaking tour guides
· Include Attraction Tickets
· Free water bottle

Pick you up from your hotel between

9:00 and 9.30 a.m.
2:00 and 2.30 p.m.

Welcome to Lima!

The capital and most important centre in terms of politic, religion and geographically as well during the Spanish dominion in the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries.

Discover the ‘City of Kings’. Know, appreciate and delight its architectonic jewels such as beautiful squares, churches, ancient mansions, balconies and museums. Walking around its streets you will admire its beautiful features.

The Historic Centre of Lima which is World Cultural Heritage is a place that you can not miss it.

Come and enjoy it!

Lima "City of Kings"

Lima is located at the central part of the coastline, a strategic place in the Valley of Rimac River.

It has good and fertile lands, warm and nice weather, abundant water and very near the sea. Originally under domination of Cacique Taulichusco.

Lima was founded on January 18th, 1535, by the Spanish Conqueror Francisco Pizarro, under the official name "City of Kings", in honour of nearby celebrations of the Wise Men.

Later, it was determinated the first plot fot building a Temple - now The Catedral Basilica - and, subsequently it was other plots for the new city, the new main square, where was built The House of the Governor and The Town Council, the city started to grow in the outskirts.

Nowadays, the city of Lima is cosmopolitan, multiracial and multicultural; modern even with some features of the past. Lima is a city of contrasts. Lima is a big entrance door to Peru. The city of Lima has wonderful attractions that visitors should know, appreciate and enjoy; the remarkable Historical Centre of the City, their majestic buildings, large plazas, churches, convents and mansions with beautiful balconies. We invite you to discover every spot in the city, choose our touristic service and will appreciate together the charms of the City of Kings.

Main Square, Lima - Plaza Mayor

It is the center of the city. Founded by Francisco Pizarro on January 18, 1535, it is surrounded by the principal buildings dating from the colonial period:

The Government Palace, currently the headquarters of the presindent of the Republic of the nation, where visitors can see the Change og Gard at noon every day.

The Cathedral Basilica of the City is opposite the main square, and it is erected and present in all times and celebrations. Next to this, it is the Archiepiscopal Palcae, an exquisite work of art, and opposite of this it is The Houses if the Judge which is the oldest building around the square. On the other side the Municipality or city hall.

At the center of this handsome architectural complex there is a magnificent ornamental bronze fountain, fused by Antonio Rivas, dating from 1650, on top of which the Angel of the Fame stand out; There is a adorned by colourful flowers and palm trees, which give more charm to the heart of the city. There is a gallery of collonial style buildings protecting the central park, which are in pastel colours and decorated by peculiar, bautiful and impressive balconies. Along the perimeter, there are also arches.

The main square is also known as the Plaza Mayor and declared by Unesco as a Cultural heritage of Humanity. The Square has recovered its traditional elegance, to become one of Peru's special tourist attractions.

Cathedral Basilica of the City

It is in front of the Main Square of the city, and it is remarkably impressive above the surroundings, as Faith and devotion symbol in the new capital of the new world.

The conqueror Francisco Pizarro put the first stone of the Cathedral the same day of the foundation of Lima. The church was placed under the invocation of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, and on May 11, 1540 the holy sacred heart of Jesus was placed for the first time.

As considered one of the most beautiful in the continent, it has a style combination in it lines and finishes, which makes it beauty remarkable. The Catedral has been rebuilt and restored in different occasions. mainly because of constant earthquakes over the four centuries of its existence.

The main door of the Catedral "The door of forgiveness" is a remarkable carved stone plateresque style work. Arquitecture style of the building shows a Renaissance influence on its profiles,

Particularly noteworthy are its altars consecrated to Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo and the Virgen de la Evangelización. Pope John Paul II crowned the statue of the Virgen de la Evangelización, a gift sent by King Carlos V of the Spain, in a special ceremony during his visit to Peru in 1985. Other outstanding features are the choirstalls, the churrigueresque (Spanish baroque) chapel of the Immaculate, the main altar and a Christ made of carved ivory.

Entering to the right is the crypt with remains of the conqueror Francisco Pizarro. The Museum of Religious Art is located in the Sacristy.

Next to the Catedral Basilica, there are the Sagrario Parish Church and the Archiepscopal Palace, seat of the Ecclesiastical Government of the City.

Government Palace

It is opposite the Main Square in the Historic Centre of the City.

Also called "House of Government" or the "House of Pizarro", precisely because this was initially the residence of the Conqueror Francisco Pizarro in 1535, the first Governor of the city. After the murder of the founder, the precinct was occupied by the firs Viceroy of Peru, Blasco Nuñes de Vela in 1541.

Years later, by resolution by President Augusto B leguía (1926), it was initiated the construction of a new Palace of Government. Later during President Oscar R Benavides, government, works were completed (1939)

Also as a curious fact, there is still alive a fig tree planted by the Conqueror himself.

There are twelve outstanding and elegant rooms. The Golden Living room: its bauty and significance inspired on Palce of Verailles in France correspond toits author and designer Jean Claude Sahut, that has rich pictorial collections. There are also the Grat Hall, Choquehuanca Room, Tupac Amaru Room, Great Dining Room, Sevillian Room, among others.

Nowadays, It is the official residence of the President of the Republic. Every day at 11:45 a.m. in the main esplanade, fronting the Main Plaza, is carried out the guard's change, (Húsares de Junín), ceremony that is recommended to attend.

The Municipal Palace

Another historical and architectural monument that surrounds Limas Plaza Mayor is the Municipal Palace.

It occupies the same place that the first town hall of the colony, Nicolás de Ribera "the Old" founded in Lima on 1535.

Its current construction corresponds to 1939, work of José Alvarez C., Emilio Harth Terré and Ricardo de Jara Malachowski.

The Municipal Palace was the place where San Martin declared the independence of Peru from the Spanish crown on the 28th of July 1821.

Even if the facade is of neoclassical style, colonial characteristics like the beautiful wooden balconies remained. Inside impressive white marble stairs lead you up to the golden era of colonial times. The ‘Palacio Municpal’ is really worth a visit. Interesting is the collection of photographs of ancient Lima, impressive the paintings from the Peruvian artists Ignacio Merino (1817 – 1876), José Sabogal (1888 – 1956) and Francisco Laso (1823 – 1869) and absolute astonishing the richly decorated entrance hall. But the highlight is the amazing library in a colonial ambience with treasures like the original of the ‘Charter of Foundation of Lima’ signed by Francisco Pizarro, the ‘Declaration of Independence’ and a piece of stone from the moon.

Archiepiscopal Palace

The Archiepiscopal Palace is located in front of the Plaza de Armas, was inaugurated in 1924, work of the Polish architect Ricardo Malachowski. It is of a remarkable architectural neo colonial style developed in the 20th century.

Central seat of the Archbishopric with colonial style.

People admire its two beautiful balconies carved in cedar on the principal door and an impressive sculpture of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, patron saint of the archbishopric.

It was constructed over a land that was destined to the town hall of Lima in the colonial time.

The precinct is communicated with the Cathedral of Lima through a backyarde of orange trees.

Church and Convent of San Francisco

At a few metres of distance from the Main Square, this architectural group is erected. Is composed of the San Francisco Church, the Solitude Sanctuary, and the Miracle Chapel.

The Church of San Francisco is the most visited church in Lima and with good reason. Consecrated in 1673, built in 1542. The attractive yellow church is considered the best example of the "Baroque" style of architecture. The handsome carved portal would later influence those on other churches, including the Iglesia de la Merced.
Under the temple and convent there are underground galleries transformed into gloomy catacombs that served as a cemetery of Lima during the viceroyalty. Was the first cemetery of the city, these underground tunnels contains the bones of some 75,000 people. In many places the bones have been stacked in eerie geometric patterns.

Exquisite baroque-style carved-wood masterpiece in the Main Altar of the Church, baroque and neoclassical altarpieces inside, as well as the Main Cloister in the monastery. The temple has three naves, the central nave is known for its beautiful ceilings painted in a style called mudejar (a blend of Moorish and Spanish designs). On a tour, you can peruse the adjoining monastery's immense collection of antique texts, some dating back to the 17th century. There are remarkable things, such as the beautiful sacristy, wide windows and a rich pictorial collection. The convent has cloisters, plazas, library and living rooms. The portal is adorned with authentic Sevillian tiles placed in 1620. It has a "Museo de Arte Religioso" (religious art museum) and the room Zurbarán with the collection of the Apostles. Declared "Cultural World Heritage Site" by UNESCO. Restored few years ago with support of "Banco de Crédito del Perú".

La Muralla Park

Located a few meters of distance from the Main Square, back side of San Francisco Church, on the shores of Rimac River.

The old wall was constructed around the city to protect it of the pirates and attacks of the enemies of the Spanish crown in century XVII.

The presence of 300 meters linear of this and a site museum that exhibits the found archaeological pieces in the zone, gives a cultural and historical character him to the center of relaxation

Also inside the Muralla Park you can see the monument of the conqueror Francisco Pizarro, founder of Lima,

La Muralla Park not only provides rest and entertainment to visitors, but also an interesting view to San Cristobal Hill, the guardian of the City, green area for resting and long walks, gardens, childrens playground, and amphitheatre for shows on park grass.

San Martin Square

The Plaza San Martin, inaugurated in 1921 to honour the first centenary of Peruvian independence, is one the largest and most beautiful squares in Lima. It is dedicated to General Jose de San Martin, a key leader for the struggle of independence in Southern America and together with Simon Bolivar the second liberator of Peru. He declared Peru’s independence on the 28th of July 1821 and was voted the Protector of the newly independent nation.

In the Center of this main square you can see the monument of General José de San Martín riding his horse, He is supposed to be ascending the Andes.
In front is a figure of a woman represent the liberty which was created by Catalan sculptor, don Mariano Benlluire. The figure is leaning against a granite pedestal, which has the shape of a truncated pyramid with a stepped base.

San Martín Square is bigger than the Plaza Major. It is surrounded by well preserved Republican buildings influenced by the French architectural style typical in Lima at the beginning of the 20th century, Just opposite the square you find the famous and most elegant hotel in Lima, the Gran Hotel Bolivar and the Colon Theatre.

Church and Convent of Santo Domingo

The Church of Santo Domingo is located a short walk northwest of Plaza de Armas in central Lima, built in 1540 on land given to the Dominican Friar Vincente Valverde by Francisco Pizarro. The church of Santo Domingo (is one of the oldest and most historic in Lima.

The church is famous in Lima for being the only one with a 'real' steeple, which in consequence of the construction over several stages has a very peculiar style. Inside the church are the oldest choir stalls of Lima, the tower has a peculiar architectural style; in the left altar is worshipped Virgin del Rosario, in the right side are worshipped the Peruvian saints Santa Rosa de Lima, San Martin de Porres who was the first black saint in the Americas and San Juan Masías.
The worshipped the Peruvian saints is a magnificent neo-classical Altar, is decorated in turquoise and gold. The church boasts one of the most beautiful panelled ceilings in Lima. There is a beautiful statue made by italian artist Melchor Caffa of Saint Rose on display which was given to Santo Domingo by Pope Clement X. The silver urns that keep the relics of these saints are under each one of these images. The convent is one of the best-conserved in Lima.
In the monastery are tile mosaics which depict the life of Santo Domingo de Guzman, who founded the Dominican order. There is also a pleasant central garden.
The Santo Domingo Church and Convent, was the first headquarters and place foundation of the National University of San Marcos in 1551, which is considered the first University in the Americas, founded by the Spanish Crown.

Take your time and enjoy being guided through the convent with its amazing patios (Spanish: meaning 'back garden' or 'backyard). Admire the beautifully decorated walls with Spanish tiles from the 17th century and relax in the silence this place radiates.

The Post and Telegraph Office of Peru

It is near the Main Square, inaugurated in 1897, which has a museum with a big collection of postal stamps and seals of Peru and the world.

Inside the facilities you can see the beautiful windows in the roof, carriages and antique mailboxes.

In the past it was a very crowded place, at present with the modernity of the Internet and the communication in real time his facilities seem half-empty.

The Post and Telegraph Office having on its top the National Coat and an old clock of 1,898.

Riva Agüero House

This house was constructed in the eighteenth century by the Riva Agüero family, whose last member, the distinguished Historian Jose Riva Agüero, donated it to the Pontificial Catholic University of Peru . This building stands out because of its elegant balconies, and inside of this there is a yard decorated with Andalusian-style wooden balconies.

This is the headquarter of the Riva Agüero Institute of the Catolic University in Lima, conserving an interesting historical file and a library being simultaneously used by the local Museum of Popular Art of the PUCP, located in Jr. Camana 459.